Joining a Band
Music is always one of my passions i have.... i mainly focus on photography, but always have that itch to play live in front of people,, me and my guitar... the giant E chord just ripping thru the crowd, people chanthing encore, encore...
So i always thought since i luv U2 ,, why not start a U2 cover Band.. Me and my cousin play together,, music that is,, for years... i play guitar and he, drums... so were trying to get like people together to do the same... find a singer and bass player,, well this hunt is going on more then a year...
but now im getting emails to join bands who like u2 but do orinigal stuff,, which might be fun to do ....
even though my cousin and i have a sort of duo band together, so it`ll be intersting to see where it goes.. im always afaird of this taking my time away from whats improtant but,, you only really live once, and i know i will regret not doing this now,, when im older....
just gotta convience my cousin of the same....
shut and enjoy the ride..
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