Monday, May 23, 2005

yet another jump start LOL

I have to make use of this blog....

im gonna make a commitment to write in it everyday,, even if its just small thing, but make it a habit to write here.. ,,just to get ideas out of me,, a way of working thru things that happen to me etc..
cause really sometimes you just need someone to listen without them jamming there opinions down your throat, so one of the few places I have is this blog to do that..

im really re looking at my life and trying to see what's important.. one of the things im really miss, is having a mentor, having someone there to kinda guide u..

I had that in the past, but now at this point I have really no one to fall back on, to throw ideas to,, to be somewhat of a guide.

so it makes you feel like your out there alone,, even though there's friends and family who are there,, but everyone has to deal with there own lives, and I don't want to bog them down with stuff, sometimes frankly they dont really care.

im even looking at SCIENTOLOGY , see what they offer.. even though I made cracks about it in the past,, I saw this kinda special on it on TV, I was like at this point I`ll try anything,, and have an open mind on it, and see what it has to offer...

during my college days I went thru a born again phase, that even shocked me., I really burned my past and tried to start a new life with jesus, but it never took, I feel like I was lying to myself,, but im thankful I went thru that phase, because I felt I grew up alittle during that i feel like i made a nice middle ground for myself,,,

so I`ll see what SCIENTOLOGY has to hold for me,, maybe something good

"No, nothing makes sense
Nothing seems to fit
I know you'd hit out
If you only knew who to hit
And I'd join the movement
If there was one I could believe in
Yeah I'd break bread and wine
If there was a church I could receive in
'cause I need it now"

-bono 1992


Blogger Ego Manic said...

thanks for link,,, :-)

you can find the program in torrentspy, do a search for clonedvd and it`ll come up.... that way you dont need a burner,, you can make a virtual dvd drive and mount the ISO image to it and watch it as a normal dvd----

lol and thanks for the "hot "comment , ;-)

1:04 AM  

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